If you are looking for an industrial metalwoking in Rio de Janeiro, it is worth knowing the Viga. We have been manufacturing metal structures for more than 40 years and have clients such as Samarco, Usiminas, Vale do Rio Doce and Brasken. Our headquarters have more than 40 thousand square meters and it is located next to railways, BRs and airports that allow us access to a privileged network of distribution throughout the country. So, if you want to lower production costs, but increase the quality of the final product, we can certainly help you with that.
Due to the team’s experience and competence, Viga has a team of engineers specialized in several areas, who are able to make the most accurate budgets on the market, guaranteeing the sustainability of the market as a whole and enabling the delivery of the engineering project executed within of a viable period for the possible partner.
Metal works in Rio de Janeiro to which engineering field?
The metalworking company you are looking for in Rio de Janeiro is to execute a steel structure project in which industrial engineering field?
Metalworking companies in Rio de Janeiro, RJ, for which project?
Many metalworking companies in Rio de Janeiro execute engineering projects in an exemplary way. However, it is difficult to find a manufacturer of metal structures that have, in addition to almost 50 years of experience, a viability of distribution as privileged as ours. In addition, due to the years in which we operate in several segments, we have the possibility of delivering various products. Check out some of the most demanded projects in our industrial metalworking.