Check out the grain silo price and cement silo as well
Cilo of grains does not represent a right spelling. The right way to right is silo of grans, with the letter s. However, the most important thing on this field is about fabrication quality and that is why we would like to introduce you our metalworking company.
We are a 40 years old company with a deep experience about the metal works field, serving big clients, as USIMINAS and Vale do Rio Doce, representing Brazilian giants on their sector. Our founder has already worked abroad, in Italy, where he worked as a metalworker in the most adverse situations. It is with this kind of commitment that the partners of our industrial metalworking industry count.
Types of Grain Silo
We are manufacturers of grain silos of varied models based on silo design suitable for your rural property or cement industrial layout. The most demanded types of the silo are:
- corn silos
- silos with coffee dryer
- cement silo
We also manufacture metallic grain silos without the specifics required for each crop. However, it is advisable to invest in the silo accessories that each type of grain or quality of cement demands, ensuring higher productivity at lower costs and losses.
Specificities of the coffee silo
There are some specificities to be taken into account when choosing a coffee silo, which has to be roasted for a specific time in order to acquire the lacklustre and market-valued consistency. In addition, the storage time of the coffee in the silo is also the other factor that can influence in the aerial apparatus of the silo for example. Being advised that this grain is something around 45 days waiting for the process of fermentation, which provides the taste and smell of this drink so desired in the market.
Silo opening tips
Watch a video with tips on opening the coffee silo or even an animation that portrays the silo with a coffee dryer. Learn more about increasing coffee productivity and increasing the profitability of your small or large rural property.