How to build a ship?
There is very little content about making ships on the internet. When typing “how to build a ship”, in Google, one finds just one or another text in terms of how a ship is designed or how a ship is assembled for example. That is why it is essential to partner with a naval part specialist when it comes to developing a ship project, you need an engineer who knows about all the ship parts, called naval pieces, and has a broad view on how the ship’s parts are assembled in the yard. Only in this way is it possible to design a vessel with the zeal that the task requires.
Viga: Experience in the construction of naval blocks
Viga has more than 40 years’ experience in the steel processing area. We have already built several metal structures for many industries in various sectors, including USIMINAS, PETROBRÁS and Vale do Rio Doce.
More specifically, for the naval sector, we had the pleasure of producing dozens of ferries, which sail today in the São Francisco River. This experience made us respected in many shipyards in Rio de Janeiro, connected to the navy, where we also delivered several naval blocks. Not surprisingly, we currently have, in addition to technology for the manufacture of naval blocks, specialized equipment in the production of navipeças.
Where are the naval blocks built?
Viga is located on a property of 40,000 m2 in the Industrial District of Santana do Paraíso and has 10,000 m2 of covered area. It is in this shed where the naval blocks and the other navipeças are manufactured. Our company of naval manufacture has the capacity to produce, approximately, 600 tons of metallic structures per month.
Photos of the construction of the naval blocks
Check out the quality with which we produce the naval blocks and the ship pieces. There are 4 decades of experience in steel processing and hundreds of customers in the naval industry are satisfied. Our company is open doors to welcome you, come to visit our factory for ship pieces and naval blocks, we would be very glad to welcome you, please contact.
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